Child Care

Welcome to River to Coast Children’s Services!

We are a nonprofit organization that has served families in Western Sonoma County since 1976, offering child care assistance, resources, training and community outreach.

Parents, please review our Guide for Parents and for Child Care Providers, updated 2024. For clarification, contact your case manager. You can access our Program Guide for Parents and Child Care Providers 2024   updated in 2024.

For childcare referrals or other services, please contact us directly at 707-869-3613 or email

Types of Care

Family Childcare Homes:

Are licensed by the state. Care is offered in the provider’s home.

License - Exempt Provider:

Care provided by a relative or friend in the provider’s home. This provider can only take care of children from one family. In California, license-exempt providers who receive a state or federal child care subsidy, except grandparents, aunts, and uncles, are required by law to register with TrustLine.


Are licensed by the State, and can provide care for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children all or part of the day.

Finding Care

At River to Coast Children's Services, we value your choices. Picking the right child care is up to you, but we're here to assist. We provide a wide range of options and information to help you make an informed decision. Let's find the best fit for your family!

Looking for childcare? Let RCCS assist you! Fill out our intake form below. We'll reach out to guide you through the process.

Intake Form

Explore local childcare options on your own with "My Childcare Plan",
a free tool for everyone.

Parents, explore licensed childcare facilities using the CCL portal! See inspections, complaints, and more about each facility:

Paying for Care

WEL Application. West County Eligibility List (WEL)

Eligibility for Subsidized Care. Please note:  Completing the WEL form doesn't guarantee enrollment.

*For those preferring a physical form:* You can download the WEL PDF. Print it, fil itl out, and return it to our office instead of submitting online.

    WEL Application

    "*" indicates required fields

    Primary Parent

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Date of Birth (DOB)

    Marital Status

    # of Adults and children under 18:

    Adults relationship to children:

    How Family heard about WEL?

    Home Phone:

    Alt. Phone (cell or other):

    Work phone with extension:

    Primary Language


    Physical Address Primary Parent




    Mailing Address Primary Parent






    Preferred Area for Service:


    Secondary Parent (if info is not the same)


    First Name

    Last Name

    Date of Birth (DOB)

    Marital Status

    # of Adults and children under 18:

    Adults relationship to children:

    How Family heard about WEL?

    Home Phone:

    Alt. Phone (cell or other):

    Work phone with extension:

    Primary Language


    Physical Address Secondary Parent (if info is not the same)




    Mailing Address Secondary Parent (if info is not the same)





    Preferred Area for Service:


    What is your need that requires child care? Please mark all that apply for each parent or guardian in the home: (Name of Person This Applies to)

    Have received TANF in the last 24 months?

    Name of person:


    Name of person:

    Seeking Employment

    Name of person:

    Seeking Permanent Housing

    Name of person:

    Vocational Training or Education

    Name of person:

    Parental Incapacitation

    Name of person:

    Other Needs:

    Name of any Current Recipient of CPS Services or At Risk Referral:


    Total gross (before taxes) monthly household income for all children & adults in the home:

    Employment Wages (incl. tips):

    Self Employment:

    Child Support or Disregard Child Support:



    Disability/Worker’s Comp:

    TANF/Cash Aid:

    TANF end date:

    Foster Care Payment:

    Rental Income:

    Financial Aid (grants only):



    “In Kind” Value (goods or services provided or exchanged for work, rent, child support, etc.):


    Please explain:

    Paid Out Child Support:


    CHILD 1

    First name:

    Last name:



    Special Needs:

    Birth date:

    Application date:

    Current Program:


    This Child is living at home?:

    Foster / Guardian Child?:


    Limited English proficiency?:

    Exceptional Needs:


    CHILD 2

    If "Not Applicable" leave blank the rest of Child 2 section. 

    First name:

    Last name:



    Special Needs:

    Birth date:

    Application date:

    Current Program:


    This Child is living at home?:

    Foster / Guardian Child?:


    Limited English proficiency?:

    Exceptional Needs:


    CHILD 3

    If "Not Applicable" leave blank the rest of Child 2 section. 

    First name:

    Last name:



    Special Needs:

    Birth date:

    Application date:

    Current Program:


    This Child is living at home?:

    Foster / Guardian Child?:


    Limited English proficiency?:

    Exceptional Needs:


    CHILD 4

    If "Not Applicable" leave blank the rest of Child 2 section. 

    First name:

    Last name:



    Special Needs:

    Birth date:

    Application date:

    Current Program:


    This Child is living at home?:

    Foster / Guardian Child?:


    Limited English proficiency?:

    Exceptional Needs:


    The information included on this application and any information given to RCCS for the purpose of receiving subsidized childcare will not be shared with any outside entity other than governmental agencies requiring this data to fund childcare programs.